1. Sign up here: https://app.layer.team/sign-up You can sign up automatically with a Google or Microsoft account -or- create a username/password account by filling out the fields and clicking Create Account.

    Note: We do not recommend using email addresses ending with non-work domains like gmail.com, yahoo.com, etc.


If logging in with your Google or Microsoft account, a window will pop up to sign in.

image (2).png

  1. After filling in the fields and clicking Create Account, you will be sent an email for verification purposes.


  1. Open your email to click the link inside to verify.


  1. Once your email is verified, you will continue setting up your account with a Company.

email verified.png

  1. If your Company already has an account in Layer (and the auto-join setting is turned on), you will see the screen below.

existing company.png